Design of a Candy Vending Machine Controller Using Verilog Hdl
In this post, I will present to you how to implement a final state machine(FSM) that describes the functionality of a vending machine:
Suppose we have a vending machine that sells soda cans that costs a 2$ each.
Moreover we have only 3 types of coins: 1$, 2$ and 5$.
Our objective is to design a state machine that determines when to dispense a can, how to return the change.
Note: in this design we will ignore the capacity of the stock, which means, we'll assume that there will always be can in the vending machine.
Also, we can assume that only one action could be made in every "clock cycle" or state
first give back the change then dispense the can
Understanding the possibilities :
there are quite few options:
1) entering no money
2)putting 1$ followed by another 1$ => getting the can
3)putting 1$ followed by 2$ => receiving change => getting a can
4)putting 1$ followed by 5$ => receiving change => getting a can
5)putting 2$ and getting the can
6)putting 5$ => receiving change => getting a can.
Above, is the "big picture" of the options or states of the machine, note that if you put a sum of money which is more or equal to 2$, you cant put more money(since it would be meaningless, no?!)
FSM diagrame:
Basically, what we'll do now is translating the options we stated above into a flow chart/FSM diagram:
*Note: 0$ = "00", 1$ = "01", 2$="10″, 5$ = "11"
explaining the states :
1)put_money: this is the first state after 'idle', here the customer puts in the coins.
2)in_5: If the customer put 5$, the machine moves to this state. Pay attention that the machine gives back a 2$ change without dispensing the can yet.
3)change_1: after giving a 2$ change for the customer who paid 5$we need to give back another 1$ change. Here, in this state we do exactly that. again, note that the can still has not been dispensed yet!
4)in_1, in_3, in_6: we get to those states depending on the sum of money that been inserted by the customer.
5)soda_out: dispensing out the soda can!
VHDL code:
library ieee; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; entity FSM is port (CLK : in std_logic; --Clock, active high RSTn : in std_logic; --Async. Reset, active low CoinIn : in std_logic_vector (1 downto 0); --Which coin was inserted Soda : out std_logic; --Is Soda dispensed ? CoinOut : out std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) --Which coin is dispensed? ); end entity; architecture behavior of FSM is -- add your code here type state_type is (idle, --start state/reset put_money, --waiting to enter money in_1,in_3,in_6,in_5, --represent the current sum of money after returning change change_1, --should return change of 1$ soda_out --dispence soda can. ); --type of state machine. signal current_s,next_s: state_type; --current and next state declaration. begin process(CLK,RSTn) begin if(RSTn = '0') then current_s <= idle; --defualt state is on RESET elsif(clk'event and clk = '1') then current_s <= next_s; end if; end process; -------------------- --FSM process: process(current_s,CoinIn) begin case current_s is when idle => --state reset or idle Soda <= '0'; CoinOut <= "00"; next_s <= put_money; ------------------------------------------------------ when put_money => --wait for money to be entered if(CoinIn = "00")then Soda <= '0'; CoinOut <= "00"; next_s <= put_money; elsif(CoinIn = "01")then --insert 1$ Soda <= '0'; CoinOut <= "00"; next_s <= in_1; elsif(CoinIn = "10")then --insert 2$ Soda <= '0'; CoinOut <= "00"; next_s <= soda_out; elsif(CoinIn = "11")then --insert 5$ Soda <= '0'; CoinOut <= "00"; next_s <= in_5; end if; ------------------------------------------------------ when in_1 => if(CoinIn = "00") then--stay on the same state Soda <= '0'; CoinOut <= "00"; next_s <= in_1; elsif(CoinIn = "01") then--inserted another 1$ Soda <= '0'; CoinOut <= "00"; next_s <= soda_out; elsif(CoinIn = "10") then--inserted another 2$ Soda <= '0'; CoinOut <= "00"; next_s <= in_3; elsif(CoinIn = "11") then Soda <= '0'; CoinOut <= "10"; next_s <= in_6; end if; ------------------------------------------------------ when in_3 => Soda <= '0'; CoinOut <= "01"; next_s <= soda_out; ------------------------------------------------------ when in_6 => Soda <= '0'; CoinOut <= "01"; next_s <= in_5; ------------------------------------------------------ when in_5 => -- input = 5 coin Soda <= '0'; CoinOut <= "10"; next_s <= change_1; ------------------------------------------------------ when change_1 => -- input = 5 coin Soda <= '0'; CoinOut <= "01"; next_s <= soda_out; ------------------------------------------------------ when soda_out => Soda <= '1'; CoinOut <= "00"; next_s <= put_money; end case; end process; end behavior;
Design of a Candy Vending Machine Controller Using Verilog Hdl
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